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Document's details and metadata

Document's details and metadata in Docue Drive.

Elina Tiensuu avatar
Written by Elina Tiensuu
Updated over 7 months ago

In this article, we explain what types of information and metadata you can and should save for a document, so that you can easily filter documents in different views in your Docue Drive.

What is metadata?

In linguistic terms, metadata means information about information. Metadata allows you to search for documents based on the document's metadata. Metadata can include, for example, the document's status, owner, creation and update dates. You can also see where the document is stored and go directly to the document's folder by clicking on the folder name.

Adding metadata to a document helps you find documents and filter documents in Docue Drive.

With metadata, you can filter documents in different views that all users of the account can use. For example, by adding metadata, you can filter all time-limited contracts, all contracts with attachments, or all contracts in Swedish into their own views, which improves archiving and makes it easier to find documents.

Where do I find metadata?

By clicking on the document name of the document you want to view, you will get a document card where you can see additional information and metadata about the document. With completed documents you can see the metadata and add notes from the "Details" section.

Additional metadata

It is possible to add metadata by opening the menu via the "+Add property" button. It is worth adding additional metadata if you need to search for documents, for example based on signing date or other information.

  • Attachments: Select whether the document contains attachments.

  • Contract duration: You can choose as metadata whether the contract is time-limited or permanent.

  • Contract end date: If the contract has an end date, you can enter the end date as metadata and later search for the contract in the archive based on this information.

  • Contract start date: If the contract starts on a specific date, you can enter the start date as metadata and later search for the contract in the archive based on this information.

  • Document type: In which category does the document fall into (HR, Administration etc.)

  • Parties: Which parties are involved in the document?

  • Personal information: Select whether your document contains personal data or sensitive personal data.

  • Signing date: What day is the contract signed?

Adding tags

In addition to the metadata above, you are able to add tags to your documents. Tags allow you to write your own mentions to documents, such as documents that need to be reviewed.

There are a couple of ways to add tags. If you need to add a tag to an individual document, you can do that by opening the document card and clicking on "Add tag".

If you have multiple documents that you need to add tags to, you can do that easily by using our Multi-select tool.

You can either select the documents you want individually by clicking on the box next to the document name (1). Or you can click on the box next to "Title" and select all the documents (2).

After you have selected the documents you want you can easily add a tag to all of them by clicking on "Add tag" on the right.

After this you can easily search for all the document with that tag using the "Tags" filter.

Adding tags and additional metadata is possible with DocueDrive+. If you are interested in DocueDrive+ or have questions about it, please contact our Support at [email protected].

Keywords: information, metadata, details, tags, multi-select tool

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