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What is Docue Drive?

Information about Docue Drive

Elina Tiensuu avatar
Written by Elina Tiensuu
Updated over 10 months ago

Docue Drive brings your contracts and other documents to one secure and manageable place. It doesn't just archive your documents, it brings them to life with dates, attachments and tags.

The new Docue Drive replaces the current archive during 2024.

With Docue Drive, you can securely store all your documents in one place, as it supports a wide variety of file types. Your files will be easy to keep organized with the use of folders and our sharing features have been advanced so that files can be securely shared between account users. Searching for documents is also easier with the new search function. The best security practices in the industry ensure that your documents remain safe and encrypted in the Docue Drive.

Improved search

Docue Drive provides automated tags (e.g. parties, dates, subject) that you can use to enhance your documents as they are created. Tags make finding and managing documents even easier.

The smart and versatile search function enables you to search for documents based on a wide range of features e.g. folder, author of the document, date, tags or other metadata.

Reminders help you remember important contract dates

The reminder function ensures that you don't forget important dates in your contracts (e.g. the end of a contract or trial period, or a price increase date). You will receive an e-mail notification of upcoming key dates. You can also schedule the notification to be sent to other users of your choice.

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Keywords: docue drive, get docue drive, drive, archive,

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