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How the "views" function works.

Elina Tiensuu avatar
Written by Elina Tiensuu
Updated over 7 months ago

Docue Drive enables listing and categorising documents not only by folders but also based on identification information. Admins of the account can conveniently create views for different situations.

You can create your own view, for example, for documents awaiting signatures, certain types of documents or documents with certain names.

Views facilitate document management and searching for documents in the service. The saved view is visible to all users of the account, but the documents visible in the document listing may differ between users depending on access rights.

Listing documents based on identification information can be done using filters.

How to create views in "Views" section

1. First, select Create a new view from the menu on the left side.

2. Name your view, add the desired filters and finally save the view.

Filters and their meanings:

  1. Status: Is the document ready, waiting for signatures or incomplete.

  2. Document creation date: When the document was created.

  3. Document title: Under which name the document is saved in the service.

  4. Contract date

  5. Contract start date

  6. Contract end date

  7. Signing date: When the document was signed.

  8. Document type: What category the document belongs to.

  9. Folder: In which folder the document is saved.

  10. Tags: What tags have been added to the document.

  11. Party: The parties defined for the document, i.e. the signatories.

  12. Personal information: You can select documents for your view that

    a) does not contain personal data

    b) contains personal data or

    c) contains sensitive personal data

3. The views are saved in the menu on the left side under the Views section. In the future, you will find the documents you need conveniently in saved "views".

How to create views in "Documents" section

You are also able to create views from the "Documents" section based on the filters you have used. If you find yourself constantly using the same filters, it might be a good idea to save them as a view!

  1. When you are in "Documents" and have already selected the filters you want to use for the view, you can simply click "<> Save".

  2. After this you can name the View you are creating.

3. Now you can find the view saved in "Views" section. If you want to modify the view, you can do that by clicking on the three dots and choosing "Edit view".

** Attention! If you cannot filter the view you want, make sure you have saved the necessary metadata for your documents.

Keywords: views, archiving, filter, folder

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