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Signing a document

Instructions on how to sign a document

Elina Tiensuu avatar
Written by Elina Tiensuu
Updated over 12 months ago

Next we will go through how to sign a document with Docue. Electronic signatures are a great way to sign your documents quickly and efficiently. The signature method for a document is selected during the finalization process, and it cannot be changed afterwards.

Signing a document with electronic signature

Touch screen signature: In a touch screen signature, your signature is drawn on the screen of a smart device in the same way as a traditional signature made with a pen and paper.

If you have yourself created a document you can sign it after finalizing the document, from the "Signing" section. In the Singing section, you are also able to see all the signees set for the document, send signature reminders, share the signing link and remove signees.

If you receive an invitation to sign a document from the creator of the document, start signing by opening the invitation from the link in the message and entering the PIN in the text field. It is a good idea to copy the PIN to avoid typing errors.

Email invitation:

Text message invitation:

Entering the code:

Document preview and sign:

Carefully review the document and sign the document. In this view, you will see all the signees assigned to the document and whether they have signed the document yet.

Draw your signature in the box. Clear if necessary. When you are satisfied, sign the document with the Accept button.

​Keywords: Electronic signature, touch screen signature

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